Maybe Overwhelmed But Always Overshadowed

The idea for this blog resulted from a study-meeting with young women who also shared concerns for family and friends. Being overwhelmed is a common problem, especially at this time of the year. From them and others, I’ve compiled a mere list of 14 common frustrations. Check those that…

Season of Sacrificial Giving

As I inscribed a note to Sam on our Year-end-family newsletter reflecting about his gift to our family 53 years ago in 1966 when our children were 10, 9, 7 and 4, I was inspired to write Season of Sacrificial Giving. Some background: Jim was one year from finishing seminary…

Finding Tranquility In 2020

Hopefully last week’s blog on How To Get Along With Yourself paves the way to finding balance in your life. Before we get buried in Christmas activities, let’s get a jump on the benefits and bungles of New Year’s resolutions. Probably, many of you have attempted good…

How To Get Along With Yourself

Have you noticed things about yourself after Thanksgiving mingling that you like or dislike? An ENTP said:  Ever since I was a kid, I've always been different from other girls. I never played with baby dolls, never had interest in princesses, and especially never wore dresses. Even through…

Satisfying Thanks-Living

“My husband, never thanks me for what I do!” Mona said tearfully, “But, He’s full of thanks for any one else who helps him with his computer or TV, gives a gift, card or makes a pie. I’ve waited on Andy hand and foot for over 50 years,…

The Joys of Connecting

A response to Joni’s last week's comment lends itself to another side of the importance of connecting.—“Some people place bars on their hearts to protect themselves, unfortunately the person (s) they try to keep out could be their greatest asset in helping to remove those bars…

Continuing the Not Connected Discussion 2:

Read again Joni’s comment highlighting an important communication skill-area. Small, but significant. ”Great article! I have to wonder if "Pete" was connecting with her more than she would like to admit! In dealing with a high spirited, (challenging to say the least), child I found that a…

Not Connected?

During a phone call with a professional male friend regarding a project we were sharing, said, “By the way, in a small group I was in last night one of the ladies said, ‘Pete, you don’t connect’. That has bothered me no end. What did she mean by that?…