Sleep Sequel with Sound Solutions

A variety of comments, texts and emails in response to How’d You Sleep inspired this “sleep-over” to fold in more wise aspects of sleeping, a major concern of life, nestled among healthy eating, regular exercise, communication, and meaningful purpose.  Imbedded in my memory of sleep-overs 70 some years ago…

“How’d you sleep last night?” “Not good.”

Early in our ministry, I learned that a group of friends meeting for any reason, in about 20 minutes the conversation turns to spiritual matters. That was confirmed as a friend would prepare breakfast on a Saturday morning and invite ladies in the trailer park where they all lived but…

Extraordinary Carolyn-God’s Remarkable Gift

Carolyn, our dear friend for over 50 years died Tuesday, September 8, from cardiac arrest. After her daughter called, I could do nothing except cry. As I wrote in my journal that she was gone, I said aloud to myself “I need to let my sibs and kids know about…

Hidden Nuggets Within An Act of Vandalism

“Who left the lid off the peanut butter jar?” “Couldn’t you read my note to turn the oven on?” “I’ve asked you several times to clean up this mess. Can’t you hear? Company arrives in less than an hour.” Does it take the wind out of your…

What’s Next?

In thinking about what the future might hold, I want to  acquaint you with some excellent authors and books, which offer encouraging suggestions if you have aging parents or relatives that are your responsibility, and also provide an early and excellent resource on looking ahead to retirement giving you tested…

Mixing Covid and Temperaments

Several have asked how different temperaments handle Covid-19 Pandemic. Understanding people “who march to a different drummer” is helpful in proving others’ authenticity. First, a brief refresher for those who are acquainted with MBTI and have your profile and information on understanding personalities for the rest. Extrovert-75 % of population -people…

Honing Listening Skills for Aiding Reminiscing

The dictionary defines honing ‘to sharpen’ which points directly to Jim Ward who is known among our family and friends as the knife sharpener.  He carried his tools ready to repair anything and then sharpen every knife. He was always welcome. He is also remembered for his sharpened listening skills…

Hidden Joys of Healthy Reminiscing

I love to get absorbed in a good, long book eager to get to the end but always saddened when the last page is turned. I hate for the story to end.  Life is kind of like that, too. Friends’ stories end as they are released and we advance to…