Courage to Change

It’s no secret that transitioning from familiar old ways to new ones often carries with it a degree of emotional discomfort. Heavenly Help, Revolving Doors, Courage to Speak and Courage to Understand discussed risks and benefits involved in stepping out of our comfort areas which have been magnified with…

Courage to Understand

Discovering personality-type resembles having a hearing test to explain what you don’t know for sure. Some resist hearing tests assuming they hear well enough, or to avoid expense for something that can’t be worn, driven, eaten, or enjoyed. I had my first hearing test when I was 79…

Courage to Speak

Introverts struggle with gaining the floor to comment or ask a question. Introverted seminar attenders often wait until the crowd has cleared and they stand in line to ask questions privately.  Very often the questioner is an INFJ who just cannot settle on a profile.  After hearing their questions, I…

Revolving Doors--Paths to Purpose

Revolving doors have been around for a long time. You’ve been in them.  Sometimes they’re hard to push and at other times move quickly from strong arms in the section behind you.  But the brief trips end up in altogether new environments, including exciting, life-changing involvements, the source…

Heavenly Help

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.   God is great and God is good, and we thank Him for our food. By his hand we all…

Protecting Relationships

Long-lasting hurts stemming from thoughtless dialogue, unreturned or broken possessions, promises and unpaid debts damages and often destroys precious relationships with family and friends. Comments, emails and phone visits based on last week’s Restoring Confidence has inspired this week’s blog.  Becky wrote: I like the blog! Oh, my,…

Restoring Confidence

Recent cries for explanation accompanying the hurt, anger and turmoil when leaders, spiritual, political and parental let loyal supporters down through broken promises, selfish behavior or immorality.  We’ve all known people who become discontent with a relative, minister, member or club leader quit attending worship or club. And even…

Joys Wrapped in Old Correspondence

Reading old letters gives us a fresh and tender appreciation for those who sacrificed in rearing us and defending our country. They also remind us of sweet relationships with parents, grandparents, siblings, extended family, our peer group of friends, cousins and neighbors. As promised, enjoy the following responses from guys…