
I have lots of regrets, but life would have been boring without them. God got me through, so I could eventually have peace. J I chuckled as I read J’s email and decided you might also need a good laugh and a positive outlook regarding acknowledging and dumping painful…

Regrets—Friend or Foe?

A friend asked if I’d consider doing a blog on regrets and sent the following: I've really been wondering about regrets and question if as Christians - should we have them?  And are regrets an emotion or can they just be a logical choice or decision?  If…


“Killjoy describes you. We’ve gone to all this trouble to have fun! One time won’t hurt.” “Can’t you ever relax and let your hair down?” Have you been the object of these accusations? Or, has someone who promised to help you not only failed to follow through…


The phrases--“Little foxes spoil the vines” and “the devil is in the details” grabbed my attention this week. Regarding the first one, an author wrote about a pilot who couldn’t fit his tea in the cupholder and turbulence spilled the contents into the control panel, shutting off an…


Writing blogs is fun for the extra connection with family and friends such as the following. After I answered an email from J regarding his comment on last week’s blog, I ended my response with, “By the way, next week's blog is “Grumpy”. That's all…

Replenishing Friendships

‘Those are rich who have true friends’ an old saying that our mom quoted often, is so true. The importance of friendships ranks right up there with purpose, safety, and health for young and old. People generally have a few good friends, but by and large over a lifetime, most…

The Invisible Art of Listening

“Is there anything you want to say but not out loud?” is a question on brother Mac’s counselor’s questionnaire which is often checked. Does that describe you? Sometimes?  Knowing that a person may be withholding what they want/need to say may be the turning point of theirs…

Lifestyle Rhythm

The word, rhythm, swirled in my mind strongly ever since a phone call in January two years ago to cancel a February speaking engagement. My journal that day reads; “After I shared with T the reason that I had to cancel was Jim’s terminal illness, she prayed a very…