Appreciating Feeler Heart-Logic Contributions

Heart-Logic Decision Preference, our focus this week, balances last week’s Thinking-Head Logic Decision-making Preference. The MBTI classification follows below with mine in parentheses. 60% percent of women/girls prefer Feeling Heart-Logic Decision-making. 40% percent (a high minority) of men/boys--prefer Feeling Heart-Logic Decision-making. Everyone is gifted with all the…

Courteous Compromise Between Feelers and Thinkers

Responses to the Honesty blog revealed an overall request for less-accusatory communication between Thinker/Feeler relationships. Opposites attract but understanding and appreciating each other is another story requiring simple and workable solutions. As we focus on the adjacent decision-making preferences of Temperament--Thinking & Feeling in MBTI talk, keep in mind…

Honesty-Pathway to Wise Communication

“Now, you sound like your mom!” or “You’re pretty sharp for a country kid”. Do you easily utter opinions like these? Honest opinions, indeed, but perhaps considered slightly condescending. An article described Microaggression--opinions which names everyday slights, put-downs and subtle indignities that marginalized people have to deal with such…

Limiting Limitations

The connection between confidence and limitations has become obvious as I wrangle with primary household care. When assuming disliked or new responsibilities, as many of you have experienced, the exposed limitations threaten confidence and independence. Job changes, promotions, births, moves, marriages, illnesses and losses of loved ones afflict all of…

Riding out the Storm

All of us, at some time find ourselves in a storm of some type—weather-caused, poor decisions, losses of life, job, health, emotional, etc. Everyone, young and old alike, yearns for quick, relieving outcomes. Some storms are passing and inconsequential, while others are destructive, painful, and lingering, requiring extended recovery.…

Waning Opposite-Attractions

A note from a blog-reader: You’ve said that many relationships start between opposites because those differences are intriguing. Then after 30 or 40 years of marriage, those differences can be viewed differently. What are your thoughts on making those differences more interesting and intriguing? Are there general concepts that…

Juggling Smoke and Covid

Ruth, would you read a letter from my 13-year-old granddaughter, In California, and check my response to make sure I don’t miss anything? Kaylee is a loving, talented and sensitive young lady. Last year, before the Pandemic, we wrote ‘pen pal’ letters back and forth where I shared family…

Responding to Sharp Verbal or Written Exchanges

Responding to Sharp Verbal or Written Exchanges Texting: “When you get a minute, call me”. Response text: “Why didn’t you just pick up the phone and call me; why did you resort to texting me?” Background: “My cousin hadn’t called as she usually does and I was concerned…